Clear Aligners Courses with AORTA
Everything you need to know about Clear Aligners and how this complements cosmetic dentistry. In these courses we go over workflows, aligner company comparisons, real cases and DIY printing aligners in-house.
This course is a collaboration with AORTA, the leading provider of Clear Aligner CPD in Australia. This will provide you the ideal foundation when getting into clear aligner therapy by introducing the basics of clear aligners and aesthetic principles. Re-watch any content at any time and at your own pace! This is ideal for those with little to no clear aligner knowledge or experience, but want to start providing aligners in their practice.
A perfect introduction to clear aligners
Understand what clear aligners are and how to incorporate this into your practice
Learn how to diagnose and classify cases based on difficulty
Simple, Advanced, Complex Protocol (SAC)
A comparison of all major aligner companies and which one to choose
DIY Aligners and Printing In-House
AORTA Collaboration with iDD Online
01 - Simple, Advanced, Complex (SAC) Protocol
02 - Which Aligner System should I choose?
03 - Virtual Interdisciplinary Smile Simulator (VISS) - Part 1
04 - Virtual Interdisciplinary Smile Simulator (VISS) - Part 2
05 - DIY Aligners and In-House Aligners
Dr John Hagiliassis