Revolutionize Your Removable Prosthetics with Contemporary Digital Workflows
Transform your removable prosthodontics with digital dentistry. Dr. Theodoros Tasopoulos and Dr. George Kouveliotis guide you through the latest advancements in digital dentures, partial dentures, and implant-supported prostheses. Master mucostatic impressions, 3D printing, and CAD/CAM technologies while seamlessly integrating digital workflows into your practice. Elevate your skills, streamline processes, and deliver precise, efficient, and aesthetically superior results for enhanced patient satisfaction.
Master mucostatic impressions for accurate, uncompressed tissue capture
Explore digital facebow techniques for precise occlusal plane transfer
Optimize 3D printing outcomes through proper settings and post-processing
Streamline your workflow with TRIOS intraoral scanning and CAD/CAM technologies
Integrate digital dentistry seamlessly into your practice, from simple to complex cases
Achieve predictable, efficient, and aesthetically superior results for your patients