Single Tooth Implant Planning and Guide Fabrication Made Easy!

In this course we will go over the complete workflow to plan and fabricate a single tooth implant guide. You will learn everything you need to know to be able to do this efficiently and accurately in-house. Single tooth implants are usually the first step for those trying to get into implantology and learning how to plan and make guides will ensure success and predictability.

Learn how to plan and fabricate a single tooth implant guide from start to finish

Understand the key aspects to consider to ensure predictable surgical results

Restorative-drive implant planning

Understand the key aspects of guided implantology and how to produce a stable and user-friendly implant guide

 Clinical tips and tricks to ensure accurate results

Sicat and Meshmixer workflow but the skills can be applied to any software! 

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Course Overview

  • 1

    Single Tooth Implant Digital Workflow

    • Welcome to the Third Course in the Digital Implantology Series

    • Part 1 - Single Implant Digital Workflow

    • Part 2 - Single Implant Digital Workflow

    • Part 3 - Single Implant Digital Workflow

    • Click here to move to the fourth course in the series: Implant Bridge Digital Workflow

Course Reviews


Jose Alvarez

5 star rating

Very good

Very good

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Dr Nitish Surathu

Nitish is a former Associate Professor of Periodontics and is currently a general practitioner in Gisborne, New Zealand. After a long career in academics and private practice overseas, he moved to New Zealand in 2009 for a lifestyle change. Nitish has lectured on several platforms around the world, having presented in North America, Europe, Australasia and Africa. He is by examination, a credentialed Fellow and Diplomate of the ICOI (International Congress of Oral Implantologists) and an Associate Fellow of the AAID (American Academy of Implant Dentistry).