Case Studies , Dental Radiology , Pathology
2D Dental Radiography Interpretation Course
21 Lessons Premium PreviewNovice
Learning 3Shape TRIOS Advanced
7 Lessons Premium PreviewNovice
Learning 3Shape TRIOS Basic
6 Lessons Premium PreviewDigital Smile Design Tutorials , Dental Photography , Dental Face Scanners
Face Scanners in Dentistry - Everything You Need to Know
(1) 5.0 average rating9 Lessons Free PreviewFace Scanners in Dentistry - Everything You Need to Know
9 Lessons FreeSee how facial scanners are changing cosmetic dentistry. Digital dentistry pioneer Dr. Ahmad Al-Hassiny explains the what, why, and how of transformative tools like RayFace, showcasing their utilization in real clinical cases.3D Printing
3D Printing vs Milling - Webinar
1 Lessons Free PreviewCourse Replays and Webinars , Medit
Mastering Tricky Cases to Scan
(1) 5.0 average rating10 Lessons Free PreviewMastering Tricky Cases to Scan
10 Lessons FreeLearn to efficiently capture accurate full-arch scans in 60 seconds with proven techniques. Expertly control liquids and soft tissues to achieve clear margins on metals and implants. Troubleshoot stitching errors using efficient strategies.
Online Courses
CAD/CAM Masterclass: Introductory Series , Free iDD Academy
Fundamentals of Intraoral Scanning
(232) 5.0 average rating7 Lessons Free PreviewFundamentals of Intraoral Scanning
7 Lessons FreeLearn how to master intraoral scanning, including techniques and scanning pathways, as well as quadrant, full arch, and edentulous scans. In this course we cover real-life scan demonstrations, key clinical tips and tricks, and staff delegation.Novice
CAD/CAM Masterclass: Introductory Series , Restorative , Free iDD Academy
Modern Prep Design and Margination
(77) 5.0 average rating10 Lessons Free PreviewModern Prep Design and Margination
10 Lessons FreeA complete guide for preparing and marginating teeth for CAD/CAM restorations, a critical foundation for success in digital dentistry. Learn how to prepare teeth conservatively in a range of clinical scenarios and place margins using CEREC and TRIOSNovice
CAD/CAM Masterclass: Introductory Series
Fundamentals of CAD/CAM Design
(22) 4.7 average rating7 Lessons Premium PreviewNovice
CAD/CAM Masterclass: Introductory Series
CAD/CAM Material Options and Indications
(20) 5.0 average rating7 Lessons Premium PreviewCAD/CAM Material Options and Indications
7 Lessons PremiumA comprehensive overview of all CAD/CAM chairside materials including an assessment of the pros and cons, the indications and contraindications. Learn what material to use for each indication + material summaries and clinical guidelinesNovice
CAD/CAM Masterclass: Introductory Series , Restorative
Milling, Processing and Finishing Restorations
(10) 5.0 average rating9 Lessons Premium PreviewMilling, Processing and Finishing Restorations
9 Lessons PremiumA thorough milling and processing guide which will give you greater confidence in ceramic materials. We cover everything from sprue position to post milling processing for each material such as glazing, staining and polishing - everything is covered
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